If you’re planning to buy or sell a home in Mount Joy PA – the real estate information on this website will be your asset! Why not let our website and its Mount Joy PA realtors & real estate agents meet all of your Mount Joy PA Homes sales and searches needs?
“Mount Joy PA realtors take great pride in meeting their clients real estate needs. Many of their past clients refer their friends and relatives to them when they’re ready to become homeowners in the Mount Joy PA area”.
Mount Joy PA Homes For Sale
Homes for sale in Mount Joy PA are available in all shapes, styles and ages. From brand new construction to homes more than 100 years old. From condominiums and townhouses to 4 bedroom family homes and Mount Joy PA mansions. Use the the Mount Joy PA MLS search page found here to find all Mount Joy PA homes currently for sale.
Mount Joy PA Relocation
If your planning on relocating to Mount Joy PA, realtors are prepared to offer you all the local county information and relocation assistance information you’ll need. Whether you’re relocation is from a close by community or you’re relocating to Mount Joy PA from far away you’ll find the Mount Joy PA community second to none!
Mount Joy, PA Location
Mount Joy Township is located between the boroughs of Elizabethtown and Mount Joy. It is bounded by Conewago Creek, and the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin.
Mount Joy, PA History
Founded in 1721 by Scots-Irish immigrants, Mount Joy was named after an English military man named Lord Mount Joy who was sent by Queen Elizabeth I to subdue the Irish Chieftains in the 16th century. The town began as one of three villages clustered together. It was a stopping point for those traveling along the western frontier. There were taverns, blacksmith shops, and wagon makers. As time went on Mount Joy became more of an agricultural society because of its vast amount of fertile land.
Much of the original architecture designed before 1939 has survived. In 2002 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania designated the borough as a Main Street Community. This allows visitors the opportunity to step back in time while enjoying exciting community events, activities, and attractions.
Mount Joy, PA Attractions
One of Mount Joy’s main attractions is Bube’s Brewery and Catacombs. The mid 1800’s saw an increased interest in German style lager beer. A brewery boom followed and German immigrant, Alois Bube, began to work in beer making and eventually bought a small brewery in Mount Joy and later added a Victorian hotel. Bube’s brewery is one of the few lager breweries still standing and is undergoing restoration. A great place to dine, the brewery offers several well-appointed dining experiences, including service in the stone-walled catacombs, 43 feet below the street. Some of the other dining out choices are: The Country Table Restaurant, Mosby’s Pub, Higher Grounds Café, and Beanies Bar and Grill.
Mount Joy boasts five beautiful Bed and Breakfasts, as well as many enjoyable recreational opportunities. In 1979, the County acquired the Conewago Recreation Trail. It’s located between Route 230 and the Lebanon County Line, northwest of Elizabethtown. The 5 mile trail is ideal for hiking, jogging, bicycling, horseback riding, and cross-country skiing. The Township also has a municipal park named Wolgemuth Park which includes a baseball field, softball field, multi-purpose field, as well as other amenities.
Mount Joy, PA Homes for Sale and Real Estate
The housing in Mount Joy varies from historic to new. The pricing range is from $110,000 to $400,000 and up for single family homes. Townhomes range from $116,000 to $269,000. Some of developments are The Orchards, Arbor Rose Estates, and The Traditions at Elm Tree.