Millersville, PA Real Estate
Millersville real estate ranges from $130,000 to $419,000 for single family homes and $130,000 to 265,000 for townhomes.
The main street going into Millersville is lined with beautiful old homes, which date back to the town’s beginnings. They are very well appointed and impart a wonderful sense of unique elegance and charm.
If you’re planning to buy or sell a home in Millersville PA – the real estate information on this website will be your asset! Why not let our website and its Millersville PA realtors & real estate agents meet all of your Millersville PA Homes sales and searches needs?
“Millersville PA realtors take great pride in meeting their clients real estate needs. Many of their past clients refer their friends and relatives to them when they’re ready to become homeowners in the Millersville PA area”.
Millersville, PA Homes For Sale
Homes for sale in Millersville PA are available in all shapes, styles and ages. From brand new construction to homes more than 100 years old. From condominiums and townhouses to 4 bedroom family homes and Millersville PA mansions. Use the the Millersville PA MLS search page found here to find all Millersville PA homes currently for sale.
Millersville, PA Relocation
If your planning on relocating to Millersville PA, realtors are prepared to offer you all the local county information and relocation assistance information you’ll need. Whether you’re relocation is from a close by community or you’re relocating to Millersville PA from far away you’ll find the Millersville PA community second to none!
Millersville, PA History
Millersville is a borough southwest of Lancaster City. As of a 2000 census, the population was 7,774. Founded in 1761 by John Miller, a blacksmith and hardware store owner, it was first named Millersburg. Mostly farmland, it served as a crossroads for other farming communities through which their goods could be delivered to Lancaster City. In the 1820’s the name was changed to Millerstown and in the 1850’s it became Millersville. The John Miller homestead now houses the Millersville University police department. In 1855 the first Pennsylvania Normal School was founded, which evolved into Millersville State Teacher’s College in 1927.
Ultimately, it gained university status in 1983 becoming Millersville University. Millersville University was part of the normal school movement, which enforced the ideals that teacher training and classical learning were tantamount to providing a good quality public school education. Today Millersville University is thriving, boasting over 7000 undergraduates and over 900 postgraduates. The school adds much to the community: employing its residents, hosting community events, sporting events, cultural events, as well as attracting a diverse student population; making the community a rich tapestry.
Millersville, Pennsylvania Restaurants
In addition to the university; Millersville has many small businesses and restaurants. Some of the restaurants are: Jack’s, The Barn Door Restaurant, The George Street Café, The Sugar Bowl, and The House of Pizza.
If you are looking for other forms of entertainment, Park City Mall is close by, as well as Lancaster City with its many fine restaurants and shops.
Millersville, Pennsylvania Schools
There are two public schools: Eshleman Elementary School and Penn Manor High School. There is one private school; Blue Rock Mennonite.